Overview about the competition

Hadafi, the free women entrepreneurship program, aims to empower women across the MENA region by providing better access to entrepreneurial resources, training, finance, media coverage and support for women who want to startup or have started up their business in the past 2 years.

History: Launched in 2013 in Saudi Arabia, Hadafi has been supporting more than 100,000 women across the Middle East and North Africa. The program has been providing participants with firsthand experience from successful entrepreneurs in order to help turn their passion into a real business.


Hadafi is open to all women who match the following criteria :

1. Located in Middle East and North Africa
2. Aged 18 Years and Above
3. Who have a business idea and want to startup
or have started up their business in the past 2 years


To be conducted over a six-month period starting January 2018. The program includes live webinars, mentorship and Final Award Ceremony. It is divided into:

  • Registration and Online Development – September 2018
  • Shortlisting of Top Submissions – December 2018
  • Final Awards Ceremony – January 2019