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Which Online Advertising Channels are Best for your Marketing Campaign
Social Media for Business

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Module 1 | Social Media for Business | |
Unit 1 | Social Media for Business Pretest | |
Unit 2 | Four Ways to Use Social Media Sites for your Business | |
Unit 3 | Top 5 Social Media Sites for your Business | |
Unit 4 | A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Social Media Strategy | |
Unit 5 | 10 Tips for Crafting the Perfect Social Media Posts | |
Unit 6 | When & How Often should you Post on Social Media | |
Unit 7 | 4 Best Practices to Promote your Business on Social Media | |
Unit 8 | Which Online Advertising Channels are Best for your Marketing Campaign | |
Unit 9 | 4 Ways to Use Social Media for Customer Service and Support | |
Unit 10 | Social Media for Business Posttest |
Survey Questions
In this video, we will learn about the best channels to use for each advertising type.
All major social media channels offer affordable advertising options, but choosing which channel to use for each type of advertising can be difficult.
Here are some considerations on which advertising channel is best for your specific marketing objective:
1- Google ads are great if you want to promote a specific product or service that people could be searching for
2- Facebook ads are great if you want to raise brand awareness by targeting a certain demographic with specific interests
3- Twitter ads are great if you want to promote a message or announcement
4- LinkedIn ads are great if you want to target a specific function or profession
Be very clear about your objectives from any marketing activity and as such decide on the best channel for your campaign.
Social media marketing is about identifying the essence of engagement. Edgerank Checker