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Uncover your Client’s Needs

Uncovering Customer Needs


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Unit Video

Unit Summary

The two questioning methods to uncover clients’ needs:
  • Open questions
  • Closed questions

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Build Your Action Plan

In this video you will learn about how to uncover client needs.
After opening a meeting and setting an agenda, then next aim is to uncover the client needs. You don’t have time to tell them about all your products, so first understand what their needs are and then you can tell them only about the products or solutions that meet those needs.
Use two questioning methods to uncover needs:
  • Open questions that give the client an opportunity to shed light and expand on the question area
  • Closed questions that force the client to give you a specific answer such as when a decision would be made
The aim of the questioning is to uncover the client’s circumstances and needs which would help you in suggesting the best solutions to their requirements.
Remember, listening is a much more effective skill than talking when in meetings.

People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Theodore Roosevelt