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Steps to Launch Any Marketing Campaign
SME Evolution Program

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Module 1 | SMEEP | |
Unit 1 | Setting UP a Strategy | |
Unit 2 | Innovation Process | |
Unit 3 | Essential Leadership Skills | |
Unit 4 | Tips for Building the Right Team | |
Unit 5 | Steps to Launch Any Marketing Campaign | |
Unit 6 | 2 Essential Sales Skills that Everyone Should Learn | |
Unit 7 | 5 Important Legal Documents to Have in Any Organization | |
Unit 8 | Important Financial Statements | |
Unit 9 | Successful Project Implementation | |
Unit 10 | 3 Things you Should Know About your ICT Environment | |
Unit 11 | 4 Considerations to Keep in Mind When Talking to Funders |
Survey Questions
Hi, In this video we will learn 3 basic steps needed to launch any marketing campaign. You might have the best product at the best price, but if no one is going to know about it, then you will be out of business soon. To launch any marketing campaign think of these 3 steps:
Identify the Target Segment that has the most to gain from your product or service. The more niche that segment is, the easier it would be to identify the best way to reach them.
Identify your Value proposition by articulating what makes you different and why that target segment should go out of their way to get hold of your product or service.
Have a call to action for the recipients of your campaign. It could be a sign up process, a simple buying process, or a test drive.