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Steps for Successful Hiring

24 Minute Human Resources


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The staffing process contains:
  • Job Analysis
  • Human Resource Planning
  • Recruitment & Selection

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Staffing is the process of filling a position in an organization with the most qualified & suitable candidate to create positive impact on the organization effectiveness. Every business that grows will need to hire staff so it is essential that the hiring gets done right. Here are 3 Steps to follow when hiring:
  • Do a Job Analysis: to determine the skills, duties and knowledge required for performing the various jobs at the organization.
  • Conduct Human Resource Planning: to match the internal and external supply of people with job openings anticipated in the organization over a specific period of time.
  • Recruit and Select: by attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers with appropriate qualifications and then choosing the individual best suited for the particular position and the organization from a group of applicants.
Finding the right employee at the right time for the right job is essential to any organization at any stage of its development. Selecting a wrong person for any job can be costly for the organization. The goal is to properly match the right person with the right job. To save time, money and nerves, ensure that you hire well by following these 3 steps!

“You need to have a collaborative hiring process.” Steve Jobs, Apple