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Some Useful Cloud Storage Services that ease Data Organization

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The following are some of the Cloud Storage services :
  • Google Drive
  • WeTransfer

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Hi. In this video, you will be learning about Cloud Storage.
Do you often run out of storage? Do you transfer a lot of files? Do you want any easy access to your data at any time? Then utilizing cloud storage platforms is the answer to your personal use and to enterprise use as well.
Here are some of these cloud storage services :
  • Google Drive: Google Drive is one of the top cloud storage providers as it offers an experience close to having an online computer. The drive itself stores all your data and information, but by simply using your Google email address you can get an access to other Google applications such as Google docs, sheets and slides that automatically save to your drive. Using Google drive on smaller devices, such as tablets and smart phones, also allows you to backup all your information and media automatically with almost no limit on space. It also allows you to create folders and albums to organize your data. Google drive also works perfectly with enterprises. A function that exists in most Google applications which is sharing, also exists on Google drive, where you can share a folder or a project with only people who are allowed access to the folder or file. Other Applications such as OneDrive, Dropbox and iCloud offer similar services.
  • WeTransfer: WeTransfer is the leading platform in sharing large files between enterprises and corporate, as it offers the choice of sharing files up to 2GB per transfer.
Cloud Platforms would be the future of storage due to security from both accidents and unauthorized access.