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Setting your 1 Year Objectives

Planning and Time Management


Complete the units, enroll in new courses, answer survey questions

By gaining points, you can win a personalised one on one coaching session

Complete the course to see how your learning has improved and gain 10 points

Answer the questions in each unit to generate your custom action plan and gain points

Collect points to be able to ask an expert any question you may have

Unit Video

Unit Summary

Keeping in mind what you want to achieve in 3 years, think of the concrete steps that you need to take in the coming year that would help you reach that 3 year objective. A good way to do so is to put one milestone that you want to accomplish each month along the year. Make sure that you are taking into account the 2 personal and 2 professional goals you had in your 3 year objectives.

Survey Questions

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Build Your Action Plan

"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now." Alan Lakein