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Setting your Day to Day Plan

Planning and Time Management


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Unit Summary

What you have put as a plan for the year and on a month to month basis is your guide for what is important for you to do on a daily basis. Every evening or every morning, before you start getting distracted by errands and daily requests, make sure that you put together a list of 5 things that you should do in the day that would help you towards achieving your monthly objectives. Some of these tasks could need more than 1 day to complete, so you can keep them for the upcoming days.
By being in control of your to do list, you can ensure that you end up doing what is important to you and feel the pleasure of accomplishment. Your plans over time might change, but at least you can always be sure that you are the one that is adapting them and whatever you have done or will do will be aligned to your goals.

Survey Questions

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Build Your Action Plan

"A man without a plan for the day is lost before he starts." Lewis K. Bendele