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How to Record Minutes of Meeting

Business Etiquette


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In order to produce a clear minutes of meeting document, you will be required to divide your work into three parts; before the meeting, during the meeting and after the meeting.

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By recording minutes of meeting, you will assure that everything in the meeting has been documented to help in taking the relationship with the client to the next level. This video will give you short quick tips on how to create a “Minutes of meeting” document.Step 1. Before the Meeting create a template to record minutes of meeting this; template should include:
  • Date and time of the meeting
  • The purpose of the meeting
  • The meeting lead’s name
  • Assigned action items
  • Decisions made
Step 2: During the meeting
  • Write notes or record the meeting. Make sure you have informed everyone while recording.
  • Check if all attendees are present and take their business cards.
  • Try and take an outline of what is said or done and don’t go too much into detail.
  • Record all notes directly into the template so you don’t get confused later.
  • Number the pages so the sequence of the meeting is identified.
Step 3: After the meeting
  • Review the notes and add additional comments, or clarify what you didn’t understand right after the meeting.
  • Type your notes on the template so it is easier for everyone to read.
  • Assure that your document is reviewed with the meeting lead before sending it across.
  • Following these three steps will help you create a clear and concise "minutes of meeting" document.

A meeting is an event where minutes are taken and hours wasted. James T. Kirk