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Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Interact With Strangers

Online Safety


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In this unit, we will show the dangers of interacting with strangers online. The internet is a really dark place, meaning not everyone is exactly who they say they are.

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These are the reasons why people shouldn't talk to strangers online:
  • Strangers often pose an unknown threat. Some are harmless spammers, some are cyber bullies, and some are harmful identity thieves or hackers.
  • Some strangers want to convince others to join a cult or group. Never respond, just simply report and block. Such cults could be associated with drugs, crimes, and other illegal activities.
  • Some strangers will ask for personal information like an address or a bank account.
  • Strangers can use blackmail to obtain money or other things using personal information.
  • Strangers can pose as friends, using fake profiles and profile pictures.
Make sure to keep tabs on friends and the people on the internet. The online world is full of bad people, that is why we must be very careful to whom we talk to.