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3 Tips on How to Run an Outbound Marketing Campaign

Digital Marketing


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The three tips on how to effectively run an outbound campaign:
  • Communicating your competitive benefits
  • Grabbing and holding your audience’s attention
  • Testing and optimizing your ads

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Outbound marketing is another key marketing strategy that should be part of your marketing mix. What is outbound marketing? Well outbound marketing is what people traditionally think of when you hear of advertising, it’s your radio ads, it’s your TV ads, and it’s your print ads. Essentially it’s a strategy of pushing out your message to as wide audience as possible in an effort to persuade and communicate with them the benefits of your product or service.
Here are three tips on how to effectively run an outbound campaign.
  • Communicating your competitive benefits. A lot of ads try to be clever but they fail in communicating the essential points required in advertising and derive no value. Be sure to communicate three things in your ads, the first is what exactly it is your offering? The second is why should your audience want it. The third point is how should your audience act on it and how should they get and take advantage of your offer. If you are selling something based on price, then include the prices in the advertising. If you are selling your service then be sure to communicate the benefits that the user will get out of it.
  • Grabbing and holding your audience’s attention. Now we are constantly bombarded by advertising messages and our attention spans are shrinking every day. Whether it’s a billboard or an email in my inbox, you as an advertiser have less than three seconds to grab my attention and once you have my attention you better know what to do with it. It is also a good idea before you run any ad; whether it’s online, radio or print, to examine what’s going on in the landscape. Look at your competitors’ look about their advertisings and see what ads are offering similar products and services to yours and how you can differentiate your messaging and your positioning in your advertising to really stick out and keep my attention.
  • Testing and optimizing your ads. Now if you have the budget, running focus groups on your ads and getting other people’s opinions is a great way to understand whether your messages are getting across, or whether the cost actually works effectively and whether your ad has the desired outcome. A cheaper and easier way to do it is the “So what test”. Put yourself in your audiences’ shoes. Go through your ad and think to yourself so what why should I care. If you don’t pass that test, if you don’t have an answer to the so what question, your ad has failed and you should probably go back and tweak a few things and really make an impact.
In summary you want to highlight your competitive advantages and communicate these essential messages. You want to grab and hold on to your audience’s attention and never let go. Lastly, you really want to test and optimize your advertisement to make sure that it is the best that it can be.

"If you have more money than brains you should focus on outbound marketing. If you have more brains than money, you should focus on inbound marketing." - Guy Kawasaki