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Local UAE Regulations

Ethical Advertising Overview


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Unit Summary

  • Knowing and following local UAE regulations is key to protecting your brand and avoiding legal issues.
  • Stay compliant, stay successful.
  • Don’t forget to explore the tools and resources we’ve provided for in-depth learning.

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Build Your Action Plan

Did you know that posting certain types of content in the UAE can result in penalties or even content bans? Understanding local laws is critical to your success.
In the UAE, penalties for non-compliance can go up to 10,000 AED.
So how can you stay compliant and protect your brand? Here are three essential tips:
1. Ensure your content aligns with UAE-specific regulations, especially regarding cultural sensitivity and consumer protection.
2. Avoid making any unverified health or financial claims in your posts.
3. Be aware of guidelines around decency and public morals in your visuals and language.
Knowing and following UAE regulations is key to safeguarding your brand and avoiding legal trouble. Stay compliant, be aware, and protect your success.