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Ignore or Report a Cyber Bully

Online Safety


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Unit Summary

Being cyber bullied can make people feel helpless, but there are steps they can take to protect themselves and seek help. The most important thing to do is to talk to an adult or expert as soon as there is a problem.

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Build Your Action Plan

These are 6 steps on how to react to cyber bullying:
  • Do not answer bullies. Example: Block a bully from Facebook, WhatsApp, or other networking services where they can reach you.
  • Keep a record of bullying messages received. Then, show a parent directly so they can identify or report him/her.
  • Reach out to a parent, a favorite teacher, school administrators, counselors, and even police officers who can help you deal with cyber bullying. School policies may have rules against cyber bullying. It’s also helpful to talk to friends or a counselor so you can get their support when you are feeling upset by hurtful comments.
  • Never sink to the bully’s level. Don’t cyber bully the bully, it just ruins everything you stand for.
  • Never believe the bully. Don’t let bullies destroy your self-esteem.
  • A Cyber bullies’ cowardly and destructive actions reflect on the problems they are having with themselves, it’s not necessarily about you.
If a cyber bully comes near you, threatens you, harms you, or even attacks you on the internet in any way, just make sure to use these tips to get rid of the bully.

"Bullying is not a reflection of the victim’s character, but rather a sign of the bully’s lack of character." - Kaylee Bald