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How to do Warm Up Exercises

Fitness For Business


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The first warm up exercise that you should start with is the Jumping Jack. It is a basic move that you can do all the time and is a good warm up exercise.
  1. Stand straight
  2. Jump
You should do between 50 to 100 jumps before moving to the second exercise.
The second warm up exercise is the shuffling legs between 1 to 2 minutes.
The third warm up exercise is high knees where you alternate your knees with a jump.

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We are going to do a couple of warm up exercises. So, basically when you want to start training you have to warm up so you get the blood rushing through your system and your nice and warm..
You can do the jumping Jack. The jumping jack you start up straight and then you just jump..straight..jump... (as shown in video)
Side angle is basically you just opening and closing your arms and your feet.
Now the second warm up exercise is a shuffle. You basically set a time on your phone or your stop watch and you just shuffle or you can do a quick shuffle (shown in the video)...You can hear those feet. That is a quick shuffle.
The third warm up exercise is high knees. Basically, you just alternate your knees with a slight jump (shown in the video). You do those three exercises and you get warmed up and once you are warmed up, you can start going to the second exercise...