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How to do Stretching Exercises

Fitness For Business


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Here are some stretching exercises that must be done after the training:
  • Lay down on the floor and try to reach your toes
  • The quad stretch
  • Lay down to the floor and squeeze your knee towards you and then twist
  • Butterfly stretch

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We are going to do a couple of stretching exercises. So basically, once you are done training and it shouldn't take like more than 2o minutes to do the exercises that we just did. You lay down on the floor and you reach 10 times to the tip of your toes. So 1,2,3 until you reach 10. Then, you do the second leg..1..2..3..same thing and then you can open your legs as wide as possible and you can alternate 1..2..3..until you reach 10 (as video).
Another thing you can do is the quad stretch. So basically, you put your foot behind you and you try to lean back as much as possible. If you can do that for 30 seconds, that would be good. Then you do the second leg, same thing. You do it for 30 seconds and then that's it.
Once you have done that, you can lay flat on the floor..squeeze your leg/knee towards you and then put your hand there and twist..ok..This is very good for your lower back and your entire body.
And then, you do the butterfly stretch. Basically, you bring your feet towards you and you try to squeeze your knees down to the floor..back straight..that’s it!