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How to do Lunges

Fitness For Business


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Another exercise that can burn a lot of fat is the lunges. You stand straight up and you lunge forward. If you want a more advanced exercise you can do the jump lunge. It gets the heart rate pumping and as the heart rate is pumping, it means you are burning fat.

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Another leg exercise you can do and also burns a lot of fat is the 'Lunges'. Basically, you stand straight up and you lunge forward (as video) and then you go back..second's an alternating lunge. So you see as a side view, when you lunge the knee has to be in front of the shin at all times. Lunge..back up..lunge..back up..
If you are more advanced, you can do the jump lunge. The jump lunge is basically, you have to alternate lunges with a slight jump. It gets the heart rate pumping. When the heart rate is pumping, you are burning fat.. So, it is a very good exercise to do!