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How to do Burpees

Fitness For Business


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The burpee exercise is one of the most hated exercises but it is the exercise that burns the most fats possible. In order to increase your blood rate you need to at least 5 or 10.

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Now we are going to be doing the burpee exercise. The burpee exercise is one of the most hated exercises but it is the exercise that burns the most fats possible.
I am going to do for beginners and for advanced. Basically, all you have to do is you drop kick your feet kick them back straight and you stand up.
It's very basic so you are basically, you are coming down to the floor and your standing back up. If you do just 10 repetitions between 5 - 10, you'll burn a whole lot of fat. So basically if you do it.. you drop down, you jump jump two.. three...four..five.. So, as you can see (in the video) I just did five, my blood rate is high, I'm pumped and burning fat..I'm burning all the visceral fat in that surrounding area in my stomach. So, this is what you have to do to burn fat.
You do 5-10 and look I am tired!