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How to do Air Squats

Fitness For Business


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After you have warmed up really well, you can start with the air squat. You should stand your feet parallel to your shoulders and squat down and up. You can do 20 squats. You can do as well a jump squat.

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After you have warmed up really well and you got the blood pumped up in your body and your nice and warm, you can start with the air squat.
Air squat is you stand your feet parallel to your shoulders and then you just squat down and squat back up. So basically if you see it from a side angle, you come down 90 degrees and then come back up. And the feet are planted on the ground ..Don't drop down on your toes or lift your feet. You have to be flat..and down.. and back up..So, you can do 20 squats..
For the more advanced people, you can do jump squat. So basically, you squat down.. you jump.. you squat down and jump and squat down (shown in the video) ..Seeing it from a side angle: squat jump jump jump ..that's it!