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How to do Abdominal Exercises

Fitness For Business


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Here are a few abdominal exercises:
  • Standard Crunch
  • Leg Raise
  • Reverse Crunch
  • Standard Bicycles Exercise
After you finish working on your abs you can end it up with the Plank position for one to two minutes.

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We are going to be doing a couple of abdominal exercises, which are Abs exercises that everyone is always asking about them. So, we will do a few.
We will start with a standard crunch.
Starting position.. come up...squeeze..come up..squeeze..back down. So, you can do 10 to 20. If you are feeling good, you can start with 30 then, the following Abs exercise will be 10-15. Basically, you can do 30 for 30 seconds, exactly 30 seconds.. and then you can go on to the second exercise and do a leg raise..
You raise your legs up..back down..up..back down..(as shown in the video) ..Or you can do a reverse crunch.. basically from starting position, bring your knees in..touch your elbows back down..bring your knees in..touch your elbows back down..
Or you can do the standard bicycle leg exercise which you do extended leg can do that for a minute..or you count up to 50..
Once you have finished those exercise, you can do the Plank..simple..
You basically do the pushup position but on your elbows...your head is stay in this position for a minute to a minute and a half. At that time, your stomach will be squeezing and your burning a lot of fat.