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Gaining Prospects

24 Minute Sales


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Unit Video

Unit Summary

4 ways for you to increase the prospecting:
  • Networking at Events and Trade Shows
  • Email Campaign to your Contacts
  • Referrals from existing clients or friends
  • Reaching out to new leads on LinkedIn

Survey Questions

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Build Your Action Plan

Hi. In this video, we will learn about practical ways to increase your new leads.
Prospecting is the first stage of the sales funnel and involves a low level of engagement with possible clients. The aim of this stage is to expand as much as possible the reach into the market and to identify new prospects.
Here are 4 ways for you to increase the number of prospects:
  • Networking at Events and Trade Shows
  • Email Campaign to your Contacts
  • Referrals from existing clients or friends
  • Reaching out to new leads on LinkedIn
Prospecting should be an ongoing process since sales is a numbers game and as such you should aim to increase your chances of success by increasing the volume of leads you are working on.

Prospecting – Find the man with the problem. Ben Friedman