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Emotional Intelligence – The Daniel Goleman Model

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Unit Video

Unit Summary

The four parts of Daniel Goleman Model are:
  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Social awareness
  • Relationship management

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Hi. In this video, we will talk about the Daniel Goleman Model which is actually the model and the frame work that makes sense of emotional intelligence. You can see there are four parts through the model.
The first part is about the self-awareness and what this means is about how aware am I about how I react to a sensation, to a situation. When some things happen, how does this trigger me? Whether positively or negatively, what are the emotions for me? Am I happy? Am I upset? Am I anxious? What is it? What’s the feeling that I have? This is self-awareness and it starts there with how much do I know about my emotions.
The second part is about the self-management, which is what do I do with this emotion. Now that I know that I am angry, what am I going to do about it. Am I going to manage it, or do I just disperse the anger out and just comes out as being aggressive towards others. So this is the self-management, this is what happens or the front part of the brain that controls it and decides for me what am I going to do about it.
If you think when you really want to come out with an idea or thinking too much, you normally go like this right. This is an extinctive gesture or something that we do and this is really about stimulating this front part to manage the brain for us, the rational and logical and thinking part.
Then the second part of the module, which is the bottom part, is really about the social and the first part of the bottom part is the social awareness. What this talks to is about how aware am I about the society or the community around me. So what do I know about the other person? Is he or she upset? Are they motivated? Are they demotivated? Are they happy about what they are doing or not. And this becomes the social awareness, so the awareness of the feeling and emotions of the other people around you.
Actually the three parts of the module, they work in favor or they service the last part of the model which is the relationship management. So all this information which is basically the self-awareness, the self-management, and the social awareness, is for the sake or enabler’s to enable me to better manage the relationship with others and this is an essence to what emotional intelligence is all about.
The better I become at managing this model and working with all those four pieces, the more emotionally intelligent I become.

“I think for leadership positions, emotional intelligence is more important than cognitive intelligence. People with emotional intelligence usually have a lot of cognitive intelligence, but that’s not always true the other way around.” John Mackey