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5 Precautions to Take Defining the Problem

Problem Solving


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Unit Video

Unit Summary

Defining the problem is not as easy as it sounds.
5 precautions you should take while defining your problem:
  • State your problem in a broad manner.
  • Gather information and facts about the issue, the impact it has, and the consequences encountered.
  • Make sure this is the actual problem.
  • Do not confuse symptoms of the problem with the actual problem itself.
  • Do not confuse problems with opportunities.

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Build Your Action Plan

There are many techniques your business can follow to help solve problems effectively. The most important thing to do is to be able to define your problem correctly. Defining the problem is not as easy as it sounds. If the problem was not defined accurately, you will be wasting your time searching solutions for something which is not an issue to begin with.
In this video, we will suggest 5 precautions to take defining your problem so here they are:
  • State your problem in a broad manner.
  • Gather information and facts about the issue, the impact it has, and the consequences encountered.
  • Make sure this is the actual reason/problem preventing you from reaching your goal.
  • Do not confuse symptoms of the problem with the actual problem itself.
  • Do not confuse problems with opportunities ‘under disguise’ that you can take advantage of.
It is advisable to spend more time defining the problem then solving it. Once the problem has been defined accurately, the solution will be way easier to find!