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Communicating in a Meeting

Business Etiquette


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Unit Video

Unit Summary

Tips to keep in mind when communicating in a meeting:
  1. Be concise and clear
  2. Make sure you are well prepared
  3. Speak out loud and clear so everyone can hear you
  4. Listen well and do not interrupt
  5. You can drink something during a meeting like coffee, tea and water
  6. Do not put your phone out
  7. Take notes in the meeting so you can follow up later with an email or "minutes of meeting" document

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Build Your Action Plan

In this video, you will learn some tricks and tips to communicate efficiently, effectively and maintain professionalism during a meeting. Below are some points you can keep in mind:
  1. Be concise and clear. Be straight to the point and don't repeat yourself.
  2. Make sure you are well prepared. Have a checklist of the different things that you would like to discuss and tick off the different points on your checklist once you have covered them.
  3. Speak out loud and clear so everyone can hear you.
  4. Listen well and do not interrupt. Interrupt only when you think is necessary and allow others to express themselves. Ask any questions as you move along during the meeting.
  5. You can drink something during a meeting like coffee, tea and water. Just refrain from having any gum or food.
  6. Do not put your phone out. Keep it in your bag or pocket and do not send any text messages during the meeting. If you have to take a call, apologise for the interruption and take it outside the meeting room. Make sure it is quick.
  7. Take notes in the meeting so you can follow up later with an email or "minutes of meeting" document. If you choose to record the meeting on your phone and not use a paper and pencil make sure that you inform the attendees of the meeting that you are recording.
Keeping these tips in mind will help you communicate professionally during a meeting.

"Etiquette is what you are doing and saying when people are looking and listening. What you are thinking is your business." Virginia Cary Hudson