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6 Key Elements You Should Consider while Preparing Your Presentation

Presentation Skills


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Preparation before a presentation is very essential and can help you keep your presentation focused, well structured and interesting.
The following are the 6 key elements you are suggested to consider in order to keep your presentation clear and focused:

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  • The Objective: You should keep in mind the purpose of your presentation at all times. The reason for your presentation and the outcomes expected by your audience are very important.
  • The Subject: This is the topic, in other words what you are going to talk about. The subject comes from the objective but it is not necessarily the same thing.
  • The Audience: You should know the size of your audience, their age range, gender and also whether they know anything about the topic you are addressing or is it something totally new to them. This really affects the way your topic must be presented.
  • The Place: You should know, in advance, the place where your presentation will take place. The size of the room, the seating arrangements and the availability of equipment are three vital elements that can affect your presentation.
  • The Time of Day: If you can choose the time slot for your presentation, then go for the morning slot. People are more alert than in the later times of the day.
  • The Length of Talk: Keep your presentation short and straight to the point to avoid losing the concentration of your audience. If other speakers are going to present after you, make sure you don’t over speak and take from their allocated time.
Preparing beforehand can really improve your presentation skills building up your confidence with time. Always remember that even the best presenters in the world take time to prepare what they have to say in advance!