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5 Things to Ensure That You Have Achieved Customer Excellence

Customer Service


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Unit Summary

Customer Excellence is making sure that you have fully met your customer needs before, during and especially after purchasing a product or service.
Here are 5 things we suggest you follow to make sure that you achieve customer excellence:
  • Don’t leave your customers waiting
  • Know your customers well even on a personal level.
  • Find solutions to your mistakes.
  • Be creative.
  • Create long term relationships with your customers.

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Build Your Action Plan

Hi. In this video we will suggest 5 things your business needs to have in place to ensure customer excellence.
Customer Excellence is making sure that you have fully met your customer needs before, during and especially after purchasing a product or service. All businesses aim to reach customer excellence by providing strategies for their employees to follow. This will guide the employees to understand the customers and thus play an essential role to drive a profitable growth of their organization.
Here are 5 things we suggest you follow to make sure that you achieve customer excellence:
  • Don’t leave your customers waiting. Fast response should be taken. Customers hate waiting and if there is no escape, make sure you have a plan of entertaining the customers while they wait. Maybe let them take a survey, fill up their details in an application, explore new products of your business or give them an overall view of your up to date services.
  • Know your customers well even on a personal level. Collect all information needed about your customers needs. What their likes and dislikes are. Get to know their names. Customers are happy when they feel that you really do care.
  • Find solutions to your mistakes. High standard of customer service is achieved when the organisation admits they're wrong and fixes the problem as soon as possible. After the problem has been resolved, performing a nice gesture towards the customers as a sign of apology is advised in order to ensure that the customer will return.
  • Be creative. Take an extra step. Whatever makes your customers happy should be taken into consideration even if it may seem like a strange action to perform. Twisting the ropes little might attract your customers to repeatedly come back to your business.
  • Create long term relationships with your customers. This can be done by conducting surveys as a source of feedback of whether your customer was fully satisfied. Ensuring that your customer leaves your business with a memorable experience can lead to long term loyal ambassadors of your corporate organisation. Remember these ambassadors will probably bring others through social media leading to a profitable success in the future.
Delivering what is promised by your product or service and more importantly following up with requests and queries after that, will lead to fully satisfied customers. Reaching customer excellence gives your organisation a competitive advantage over other businesses. As explained, the goal is to have long term customers that will not leave your brand for other competitive businesses.
So follow the 5 steps that we have advised in order to make your business a unique and memorable experience to your fans!