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4 Steps on How to Avoid and Handle Identity Theft

Online Safety


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Unit Summary

What do you know about identity theft? It’s more than someone just stealing a name, the thief is stealing money, personal information, and an innocent person's life. It’s a very dangerous, yet common thing nowadays due to the internet. Personal information must be kept safe and sound, and make sure never to use or enter information in suspicious websites.

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Build Your Action Plan

These 4 points will help you dodge or prevent identity theft are:
  • Avoid entering personal information on public computers, make sure to clear logins and passwords after using a public computer.
  • Be alert for phishing.
  • Think twice before entering personal information on the internet, especially when entering bank account information. One problem which is very common is shopping online. There are trustworthy websites, but the ones that aren’t can really cause harm, it might even take every single penny that was in the bank account.
  • Always check for clues that tell whether a website should be used or not. Review the unit “ How to Detect Untrustworthy Websites”.
Make sure to keep these 4 points in mind whenever you are entering personal information on the internet.

"If we don’t act now to safeguard our privacy, we could all become victims of identity theft." - Bill Nelson