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5 Steps to Acquiring and Maintaining Clientele

Freelancing in Gig Economy


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Unit Summary

5 steps to acquiring and maintaining clientele:
  • Guest posts
  • Negotiate new leads
  • Over deliver on value
  • Attend relevant conferences or events
  • Contact people you may know

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Hi. In this video, we will explore the 5 steps to acquiring clientele. Acquiring clientele is about more than just finding one time clients. You want to ensure that clients keep coming back for your services. There are a lot of tactics that you can use to attract and maintain a group of clients. We will outline a few. Here are the 5 steps to acquiring clientele:
  1. Guest posts
    1. Writing blog posts are a great way to demonstrate what you know. If you guest post on a popular blog, you may direct the attention of potentially new clientele to your services.
  2. Negotiate new leads
    1. Working for free is a great way to work for a list of potential clients that your customer might know. This will provide you with a list of potential clients which you can contact and potentially start charging. It also helps that these new clients will have heard positive testimonials from your free customer.
  3. Over deliver on value
    1. Treating every project like you’re trying to prove yourself is a great mentality. Delivering more value than the customer is expecting, will ensure that they will return for your services and tell their friends about you.
  4. Attend relevant conferences or events
    1. Attending conferences or events will provide you with the opportunity to meet with others working within your industry, along with potential customers.
  5. Contact people you may know
    1. If you know people from your previous positions, it may help to reach out and offer your services for a better price than their competitors.
Placing a high value on customer satisfaction is really the key here. Working your way to increased pay happens slowly and is a methodical process. In the beginning you may need to start slow but in time, you will find success when you emphasize customer satisfaction.