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5 Reasons Why Workforce Diversity Is Good For Business

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Module 1 | Teamwork | |
Unit 1 | Teamwork PreTest | |
Unit 2 | 5 Reasons Why Effective Teamwork is Important For All Organisations | |
Unit 3 | 5 Steps Creating an Exceptional Effective Team Work | |
Unit 4 | 5 Reasons Why Workforce Diversity Is Good For Business | |
Unit 5 | 5 Essential Stages of Team Development | |
Unit 6 | 6 Steps Building a Collaborative Team Environment | |
Unit 7 | 7 Ways to Know the Team Is Not OK | |
Unit 8 | Teamwork PostTest |
Unit Summary
Diversity is including many different aspects of society, tradition, culture, race, gender and background experiences into ones organization.
Diversity in the workforce is needed for the following 5 reasons:
Diversity improves your connection with your clients showing that there are many shared interests between the both of you.
Diversity motivates your team to always give more.
Diversity opens up your way to different perspectives and opportunities in the future.
Equality and diversity in the workforce encourages individual contribution and responsibility.
Diversity leads to an improvement of your market share and therefore growth of your business.
Survey Questions
Hi. In this video, you will learn why diversity in the workforce is important.
Diversity is including many different aspects of society, tradition, culture, race, gender and background experiences into one's organization. It can be considered as a strategy to a better productive growth in the years ahead.
Diversity in the workforce is needed for the following 5 reasons:
By combining different cultures and experiences you will have a broad range of understanding of what the consumer needs. This improves your connection with your clients showing that there are many shared interests between the both of you.
By showing your team that your business is a source of acceptance to all differences makes them feel more trusted, respected and thus strong friendships will grow among all. By developing their social skills, you motivate them to always give more.
Once your business’s image has been settled as an open, un-discriminative and globally-accepted firm, a diverse range of employees will be attracted to work in your environment. This opens up your way to different perspectives and opportunities in the future.
Equality and diversity in the workforce encourages individual contribution and responsibility thus giving birth to new ideas raising your business to a whole new level.
By applying diversity strategies, you fill gaps in your business giving your organization a competitive advantage. This leads to an improvement of your market share and therefore growth of your business.