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5 Pitfalls you Should Avoid as a Supervisor

Supervision Skills


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Some experienced Supervisors shared their experiences and the pitfalls they fell in.
The 5 pitfalls that you should avoid:
  1. Not Planning Properly
  2. Laying off work
  3. Not Giving your employees enough work
  4. Being too Friendly
  5. Recruiting the wrong people

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Hi. In this video, you will be learning about pitfalls that you should avoid as a supervisor. These pitfalls vary between minor and major mistakes that should be avoided.
Here are 5 pitfalls you should avoid:
  1. Not Planning Properly: Project Management is essential to complete all the tasks assigned. Your job as a supervisor is to plan ahead of time for every detail and schedule all tasks beforehand to avoid exceeding an assigned deadline.
  2. Laying off work: Although you are a supervisor, laying off work is an act that should not be practiced because it sets a bad example for your employees. It also increases the load on your team members which in turn delivers an unacceptable outcome and a decline in productivity rate.
  3. Not Giving your employees enough work: Just like how you should not lay off work, you should not do all the work yourself. Distribute the work per the job designations and responsibilities of your team members. Not having an even distribution of work might also cause a decline in productivity, as well as having your employees slacking due to the lack of tasks assigned.
  4. Being too Friendly: At all costs, avoid being too friendly. Moderation is the key, allow your employees to trust you and rely on you, but do not let them step over you or exceed their limits.
  5. Recruiting the wrong people: As a supervisor, you sometimes need to recruit more team members. Recruiting the wrong people gives off a bad impression on your judgment as a supervisor. Instead, you can make sure that the candidate gets a proper briefing and training before getting the job.
Mistakes are easily made but can be easily avoided. Being a supervisor, making a mistake is expected, so work on avoiding it next time and make sure you teach that pitfall to your team.