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5 Methods to Gain Trust

Supervision Skills


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These Methods could be used to gain the trust of your employees/team.
The 5 Methods to gain trust are as follows:
  1. Give trust to get trusted
  2. Be Reliable
  3. Take Blame and Give Credit
  4. Keep the door open
  5. Share Information

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Hi. In this video, you will be learning more about how to gain the trust of your employees.
Do you feel like your employees do not trust you?  Are your employees scared of informing you?  Employees tend to work better and feel more comfortable when their supervisor or leader gains their trust. This assures you as a supervisor that your employees would be more honest and will not feel threatened to inform you of their mistakes or their need for guidance. Therefore, practicing the methods introduced in the following video will help you make employees and your team gain your trust.
Here are the 5 methods that will help you gain trust.
  1. Give Trust to Get Trusted: As a Supervisor, you should let your team know that you trust them and believe in them. To give your employees the trust needed, let them know that they can do their jobs and beyond that. Let them know that their job designations do not limit them, and make them feel that you are one of them, not their boss.
  2. Be Reliable: You can let your team rely on you when an experienced person is needed to complete the job. Let them know that they can rely on you to help them when they fail to do a task.
  3. Take blame & give credit: When a success occurs or when a task is accomplished, do not take all the credit, give your employees the credit and congratulate them on their accomplishments. Praise them to your boss in front of them. When a failure occurs, do not blame your employees, instead, blame the methodology of the enterprise or your own leadership that might need some improving.
  4. Keep the door open: Although you have a higher job designation in the hierarchy, always be humble. An open-door policy is one of the best policies to show your employees that they can come in and share thoughts or worries at any time without any fear.
  5. Share Information: Employees love to talk, whether it is good or bad news, sharing information with your employees is important. Although some information must remain confidential, other information like success or progress of a project should be shared with the employees. Bad news should be shared as well. This shows your team that you are not hiding anything and will make them trust you more.
Earning and giving trust is only a natural human response that can be dealt with using simple techniques that you would use in your everyday routine. For a leader, having the trust of the team encourages communication and in turn, sustains the success of the business.