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4 Ways to Improve Your Role as a Supervisor

Supervision Skills


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Unit Summary

Improving yourself sets an example and makes you a role model to your employees.
The 4 ways to improve yourself:
  1. Be a Mentor
  2. Know when to discipline
  3. Give positive feedback
  4. Be up to date

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Hi. In this video, you will be introduced to some skills that can help improve your role as a supervisor.
Are there ways to improve your supervision skills? Do you believe that your employees are always expecting the best from you? A supervisor should always work on improving himself to set an example to the employees.
Here are 4 ways to improve yourself:
  1. Be a Mentor: Being a supervisor, leading by example also means that you should be a mentor to your employees. As a mentor, you should examine the highest potential of your team members individually and push them forward to achieve their best. Being a role model to your team is also essential and is achieved by setting rules and guidelines and following them as well as handling problems and risks properly.
  2. Know when to Discipline: Leaders make hard decisions all the time, it can include a decision to take a risk that might help the business success, or a decision to terminate an employee. Discipline to an employee is a necessity to make sure no one steps over the limits.
  3. Give Positive Feedback: Employees whom achieve a goal or complete a task always look for feedback. Leaders should give positive feedback to their employees even if they did not do the right thing. Instead of telling them that what they did was wrong, tell them that they can improve.
  4. Be up to date: Any employee should always be up to date with the current business situation and updates on the field. With your help as a leader and a supervisor, guidelines, and workshops can help increase the team’s knowledge.
Great Leaders always look forward towards improving themselves, and improving yourself makes you a role model to your employees and helps on increasing the productive outcome of your team members.