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4 Things that is Good for your Suhoor Meal

Nutrition Tips


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The four things that are good for your suhoor meal:
  • 2 glasses of water
  • Foods that are made up of complex carbohydrates
  • Whole-grain foods
  • Eggs

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My name is Rania Salha. I am an Australian Nutritionist and will be giving you tips regarding the Suhoor (pre-dawn) meal during the upcoming holy month of Ramadan.
Many skip this important meal, as it requires getting up very early to prepare a meal. So, why is Suhoor important? Well, it allows your body to refuel and sustain itself for a long day ahead. Consuming food during Suhoor allows a more easier and tolerable fast.
However, what you eat during this time is vital. This meal should include food items that keep you feeling full and vitalized. So, what kind of food should one ingest?
  1. As soon as you wake, you should consume 2 glasses of water. This should be your first goal. Even if you decide not to consume anything else.
  1. Your next goal is to consume foods that are made up of complex carbohydrates. This includes, dairy foods, fruits, dates, vegetables and whole-grain products. They are important because they refrain from making you feel weak and moody, as well as helping to maintain your concentration and energy stabilized.
  1. Whole-grain foods are a great option. They are rich in fiber, which keep you feeling full over a longer period. Such foods include anything whole-wheat; bagels, rice cakes, breads, cereals (oats and Weet-bix are wonderful choices). A great kick-start is my favorite, jumbo oats with couple spoons of Laban/fresh milk, fresh fruits, and raw almonds with a drizzle of honey.
These kinds of food are ideal, since they really keep you feeling full and satisfied through the day. They also promote a more comfortable feeling in your stomach.
  1. Eggs are also a wonderful option. They are high in protein and give your body energy. However, you should refrain from frying eggs and instead opt for poached or boiled eggs. These go great with whole-grain bread topped with avocado slices.
These simple foods are also rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that your body doesn’t miss out on throughout the day. They are also critical in assisting your body to function more easily during the day.

Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food. Hippocrates