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4 Sources of Free Online Courseware

Internet Research


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4 sources of free online courseware:
  1. Potential
  2. MIT Open Courseware and Coursera
  3. Allison
  4. Khan academy

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Hi. In this video, we will provide 4 sources of free online courseware. Online courseware is beginning to dominate the educational landscape. Free resources are now very impressive sources of up-to-date and relevant information. While can provide you with all of the practical business knowledge you require, there are other sources for alternative topics.
Here are 4 sources of free online courseware:
    Potential provides practical lifelong learning courses with videos that could be watched for free. For the full course components a minimum monthly subscription charge would need to be paid.
  2. MIT Open Courseware & Coursera
    Both of these sites provide courses in university level topics that include science and engineering.
    Allison is a website full of free online courseware ranging from health to languages to personal development.
  4. Khan academy
    Khan academy is a very practical online learning utility for many topics ranging from chemistry to calculus
These utilities provide their own unique upside and can help in mastering a new topic that you may be researching.