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4 Best Practices to Promote your Business on Social Media

Social Media for Business


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Unit Video

Unit Summary

4 ways to promote your business on social media:
  • Use twitter for updates and announcements
  • Use Facebook for onlinelearning
  • Come up with useful content in your area of expertise
  • Engage in LinkedIn forums on topics that are relevant to your clients

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Build Your Action Plan

In this video, we will learn about some tips to help promote your business on social media. Everyone is spending more time on social media so if you want to reach out to new prospects, go to where they are. Social media can be a very efficient tool to reach new prospects and promote your business. Here are 4 ways to promote your business on social media:
1- Use twitter for updates and announcements about your latest accomplishments including press releases and press coverage
2- Use Facebook for onlinelearning that could engage your target audience – such as the development of a new innovation, or logo
3- Come up with useful content in your area of expertise and create from it infographs, templates, tools, ebooks that could be promoted on all social channels
4- Engage in LinkedIn forums on topics that are relevant to your clients and in your areas of expertise
When executed well, using social media as a way to reach prospects could be the most cost effective way for you to do so.

Social networks represent the digital reflection of what humans do: we connect and share. Jeremiah Owyang