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3 Ways to Create a Successful Blog

Starting a Blog Online


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Unit Summary

3 ways to create a successful blog:
  1. Find ways to be unique
  2. Provide an appropriate amount of free material
  3. Challenge potentially flawed ideas in your industry

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Hi. In this video, we will discuss 3 ways to create a successful blog. With so many blogs available to online readers, it is imperative to give readers a reason to choose your blog.  It may help to ask yourself what causes you to stay loyal to your favorite information sources.
Here are the 3 ways to create a successful blog:
  1. Find ways to be unique
  • What makes you different than the rest? Use this difference as your central theme. Doing this will show readers that you can provide them with potentially new insights
  1. Provide an appropriate amount of free material
  • Provide an appropriate amount of free material without compromising the value of your paid services. By doing this, you can sustain a loyal readership and set your blog up to become a marketing tool
  1. Challenge potentially flawed ideas in your industry
  • Since a blog can be an unregulated medium in which you can present your ideas, it makes for a good place to challenge what you may not believe to be true within your industry. This comes at the price of controversy but can stimulate interest in your blog posts.
Having multiple perspectives as to what makes a successful blog will provide you with the necessary tools to guide your blog to the top. The 3 ideas listed above can allow for a fresh and unique blog that is based on your insights to be created successfully.