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3 Reasons why Fasting is so Powerful

Optimizing Nutrition


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3 reasons why fasting is so powerful:
  • Immunity
  • Brain function
  • Energy Usage

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Hi. In this video, we will look at the power of fasting. Fasting has been demonized over the last 50 years. Its’ therapeutic effects spill over to improved brain function, improved energy usage and longevity. Understanding the benefits may shed some light on why it might make sense for you to give it a try.
Here are 3 reasons why fasting is so powerful:
  • Immunity
    • Fasting is a process in which your body is forced to remove the cells within your body that are damaged and replace them with regenerated ones. This proves essential for the strength of your immune system.
  • Brain Function
    • Fasting for longer than 2 days allows your body to tap into fat stores in the body. When fasting for more than 2 days, the stored fat in your body is converted into molecules called ketones which fuel the brain much more powerfully than sugar.
  • Energy Usage
    • Fasting allows your body to re-learn how to use fat. Re-learning how to use fat can allow your body to prefer to use fuel that you eat, rather than store it.
Fasting is a very powerful tool but there is still a right and wrong way of doing it. An appropriate amount of research should be done before continuing with this for the first time. With the right amount of research, you may find it much easier to fast than you initially expected.