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3 Outcomes that should Guide All Customer Service Engagements

Call Center Essentials


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The 3 outcomes that should guide all your customer service engagements:
  • Customer Centric
  • Performance Driven
  • Results Oriented

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Customers are essential for all businesses, and taking care of these customers would help in increasing their loyalty to your organization. Solving customer problems however, could be a very costly activity from a time and money perspective, so how can we ensure that we are not overdoing it?
Here are 3 outcomes that should guide all your customer service engagements:
  • Customer Centric- always ensure that any process or activity has the customer at the centre of it
  • Performance Driven- continuously measure and enhance the performance
  • Results Oriented- keep tracking how well you are doing in solving customer problems and how happy the customers are
The above 3 outcomes help keep a balance to ensure that you are efficiently addressing customers problems and being effective in how they are being addressed to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction.