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3 Initial Steps to Build a Strong Portfolio

Freelancing in Gig Economy


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Unit Summary

3 initial steps to build a strong portfolio:
  • Any client is a valid client
  • Blog posts
  • Explain your work

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Hi. In this video, we will look at 3 important steps to take when building a fresh portfolio. A portfolio is a set of completed work that serves as an example to potential customers. This is a very powerful tool in acquiring new clientele but can be difficult to set up when you don’t have any experience. Here are 3 steps to take when building a fresh portfolio:
  1. Any client is a valid client
    • Working for a low fee or even for free should be an option when you are first starting. This can help you to develop a good reputation and it can allow you to negotiate a list of potentially interested clients from your customer in return for your free services. You can also create an imaginary client scenario. Developing a project for an imaginary client can help you to create great content for your portfolio.
  2. Blog posts
    • Creating blog posts that demonstrate your understanding of your craft can be extremely beneficial when attracting potential customers. It also helps to find ways to guest post on other blogs with heavy traffic.
  3. Explain your work
    • Provide context to the work that you have done. Providing a real backstory can help you to connect to your potential clients by inviting them into your though process and style.
When you are first starting out, it is important that you trust the process. Developing a trustworthy portfolio will take work. Understanding that it will take time, hard work and sacrifice to build yourself into a strong freelancing professional will provide you with the motivation to get it done.