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3 Freelancing Habits that are Critical to Success

Freelancing in Gig Economy


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Unit Summary

3 freelancing habits that are critical to success:
  • Creating and sticking to a schedule
  • Monitoring your competition
  • Staying up to date with the latest and greatest in your industry

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Hi. In this video, we will explore 3 freelancing habits that are critical to success. Two things can occur in a freelancing scenario. If you are balancing freelancing work with a full time or part time job, you may find yourself with too much freelance work to handle. On the other hand, you may only be working in the freelancing industry and struggle to find the motivation to finish projects. Here are 3 freelancing habits that are critical to success:
  1. Creating and sticking to a schedule
    • Maintaining this habit will ensure that you keep customers happy while maintaining your own personal work flow.
  2. Monitoring your competition
    • It is important to keep tabs on what your competition is providing for their customers. This includes pricing, added bonuses and timelines for project completion. Knowing these things will ensure that you are staying ahead of your competition.
  3. Staying up to date with the latest and greatest in your industry
    • Knowing about the latest developments in your industry will ensure that you’re at the leading edge of your freelancing work.
These are important aspects of being a successful freelancer. Being clear on what you need to do to stay ahead on your work will ensure that you have sustained success.