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3 different search engine options

Internet Research


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3 different search engine options:
  1. Google
  2. Bing
  3. Yahoo

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Hi. In this video, we will cover the 3 most common online search engines. Using search engines is a pivotal part of online research. When looking at the different options available, it is not a matter of finding which is better. They all offer benefits in their own way.
Here are the 3 most common search engine options:
1. Google
  • Google is the most popular search engine in the world. It offers more than just website search results. You can find images, videos from different sites, unit conversions and research papers
  • Google also allows for the use of different built in tools such as ‘-‘, ‘*’, ‘AND’, ‘OR’
2. Bing
  • Bing was created by Microsoft and is the default search engine in Internet Explorer (or the newest version called Microsoft Edge). It provides users with a different look and feel along with a cleaner layout.
3. Yahoo
  • Yahoo search engine is different than the rest in that it provides more comprehensive search results. The shopping option is also more comprehensive than the Bing and Google counterpart. What seperates Yahoo from the rest is Yahoo answers. Results from this website are given priority when using Yahoo search engine and there is so much valuable information available there.
Understanding the features of each search engine can help you to determine what will work best for you.