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2 Interview Techniques that you can Utilize in your Podcast

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Module 1 | Podcast | |
Unit 1 | Podcast PreTest | |
Unit 2 | 3 Reasons to Utilize the Powers of Podcasting | |
Unit 3 | 3 Different Podcasting Structures | |
Unit 4 | 3 Approaches that will Help you Determine your Podcast Focus | |
Unit 5 | 2 Interview Techniques that you can Utilize in your Podcast | |
Unit 6 | 3 Unique Ways to Gain Sponsorship for your Podcast | |
Unit 7 | 2 Benefits of Connecting your Podcast with your Other Platforms | |
Unit 8 | 4 Ways to Increase Podcast Popularity | |
Unit 9 | 5 Essential Podcasting Tools that you Should Know about | |
Unit 10 | Podcast PostTest |
Survey Questions
Hi. In this video, we will look at a couple different types of interviews that you can hold on a podcast. If you listen to podcasts, you know that they can follow a wide range of interview styles. It really only falls into two main categories. Here are 2 interview techniques that you can utilize in your podcast:
The conversational style aims at being more relaxed. It doesn’t have a defined structure, other than to begin having a conversation with your guest and letting the conversation go wherever it does.
Following a more structured style means that you have done your research on your guest and prepared a set of interesting questions. This is generally better if there is specific information that you or your listeners are looking to learn.