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12 Steps to Self-Hosting Your Blog

Starting a Blog Online


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Unit Summary

12 Steps to Self-Hosting Your Blog:
  1. Visit
  2. Choose “Web Hosting”
  3. Choose Pricing Option
  4. Choose a domain name and enter your info
  5. Check your emails
  6. Follow the emailed link to your control panel
  7. Find “Quick Install”
  8. Choose the “WordPress” option
  9. Install WordPress
  10. Fill in the necessary information
  11. When installation Is complete, select “View Credentials”
  12. Proceed to the Admin Area

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Hi. In this video, we will lead you through the step-by-step process to starting your own website which will include WordPress blogging options. This option is more suitable for some people since it offers much faster download times and the ability to design a full website that has much more than just a blog on it. For this example, we will be using a hosting service called host gator. Here are the 12 steps to self-hosting your blog:
  1. Visit
  2. At the main menu bar, choose “Web Hosting”
  3. On the following screen, you have 3 pricing options. The cheapest “Hatchling Plan” will be sufficient to setup a single website
  4. After choosing your pricing option, you need to enter your custom domain name. The domain name will work only if it isn’t already in use. Continuing down the page, you will need to enter more information. There are also more options offered that may be of use to you
  5. Upon completion of your payment, you should check your emails for an account info email from Host Gator
  6. Click on the link that is next to “Your Control Panel” in the email and enter the username and password that they have provided in the email
  7. Now that you have entered the Host Gator Control Panel, you want to scroll down until you find the heading titled: “Software and Services”. The option you want to click on is “Quick Install”
  8. On this new page, you will find a list of items titled “Popular Installs” on the left side of the page. Choose the “WordPress” option
  9. Under where it says “Install WordPress For FREE” choose “Install WordPress”
  10. You can now proceed to choose your domain name from the drop down menu while leaving the “install/path/here” box empty. The “Admin User” box is just any username that you can choose. The rest of the page should be straight forward
  11. Once you move on, you will be shown a progress bar at the top of the page. When WordPress is finished being installed, it will tell you so. When finished, you want to click on the “View Credentials” drop down menu on the right of notification bar saying that the install is complete. This will give you a link to the login area of your WordPress add on, along with your username and password
  12. Click on the “Admin Area” link and proceed to enter the username and password provided
Congratulations! You have set up your own website which is fully equipped with WordPress. With this, you can go on to create a store on your website while maintaining a blog in the same place! The possibilities are literally endless!